
Remote Work Statistics 2023

The landscape of traditional workspaces has experienced a dramatic transformation due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. Consequently, remote work has emerged as a predominant trend, necessitating swift adaptation by human resources departments. Within this extensive analysis, we present the most up-to-date remote work statistics that are molding the professional landscape and work environments nationwide.

Key Remote Work Statistics

As we navigate the ever-evolving world of post-pandemic work in 2023, several notable remote work statistics stand out. These statistics not only shed light on the current state of remote work but also provide insights into its future.
In the present year, a remarkable 12.7% of full-time employees are actively working from home, indicating the rapid normalization of remote work environments. Concurrently, a substantial 28.2% of employees have embraced a hybrid work model, incorporating both remote and in-office work. This model offers flexibility while maintaining a physical presence in the workplace.
This percentage underscores the fact that while remote work is on the rise, traditional in-office work is far from becoming obsolete.
Looking into the future, remote work appears promising. According to Upwork, by 2025, an estimated 32.6 million Americans will be working remotely. This projection suggests a continuous, albeit gradual, shift towards remote work arrangements.
Remarkably, this figure reflects the workforce's growing preference for the flexibility, autonomy, and work-life balance that remote work can provide.

From the employers' perspective, the acceptance of remote work is evident as well. A significant 93% of employers intend to persist with virtual job interviews, indicating their readiness to adapt to virtual methods and recognizing remote work as a sustainable option.

These companies are pioneers in the remote work paradigm, showcasing the feasibility of such models and paving the way for others to follow.

Remote Work by Demographics

An in-depth examination of the demographics of remote work in 2023 provides intriguing insights into those who have adopted this work model and its impact on their professional lives.
Among this demographic, 39% engage in full-time remote work, while 25% opt for part-time remote work. This data indicates that the younger workforce highly values the flexibility and autonomy associated with remote work, potentially influencing businesses seeking to attract and retain talent within this age group.

Additionally, education is a significant factor affecting the accessibility of remote work. Individuals with higher levels of education have a greater likelihood of engaging in remote work. This phenomenon may stem from the nature of roles that require postgraduate qualifications, typically involving cognitive tasks that can be performed from anywhere.

Remote Workers by Education Level

Workers with more education are more likely to have remote work options.
Full-Time Remote
Part-Time Remote
A gender disparity exists in remote work participation, with a greater percentage of men working remotely compared to women.
In contrast, 30% of women work full time from home, and 22% work part time in a remote capacity. These statistics emphasize a gender gap in the realm of remote work and underscore the importance of implementing more inclusive remote work policies to ensure equal opportunities.
Gender can also play a role in the preference for telecommuting. The same report reveals that, overall, 80% of women favor a remote and hybrid work style, whereas 76% of men express a similar preference. Concerning on-site work, 24% of men are in favor, as compared to 19% of women.
It's worth noting that those who opt for a hybrid work model report the highest average salary, standing at $80,000. This could be attributed to the advantages of flexibility and work-life balance that hybrid work arrangements offer, allowing employees to enhance their productivity and potentially take on additional responsibilities.

These demographic insights provide a snapshot of the current remote work landscape. By understanding these trends, employers can craft remote work policies that align with their workforce's preferences and requirements while also addressing disparities in accessibility and compensation.
According to the work and travel platform Nomad List, the Philippines has secured the seventh position as one of the "fastest-growing" remote work hubs worldwide.

The country exhibited remarkable growth, with a 78-percent increase over the past five years from 2018 to 2022.
For 2023, it has sustained this growth trend with a +60-percent increase based on data from the first ten months of the year. Impressively, the Philippines experienced an astounding +1,183-percent growth in the previous year.
The Significance of Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) in the Philippines
The BPO sector in the Philippines is a substantial contributor to the nation's economy, injecting nearly $30 billion annually. In 2019, over 1.3 million Filipinos found employment in more than 1000 BPO companies, and this workforce has been growing steadily at a rate of 8-10% per year. The country is estimated to command a significant share of the global BPO market, ranging between 10-15%. The services provided by the Philippine BPO industry are primarily oriented toward its former colonial power, the United States, while also catering to the needs of European clients and neighboring regions like Japan, New Zealand, and Australia.

Preferences Regarding Remote Work

With the increasing prevalence of remote work, it's crucial to gain insights into how workers feel about this evolving model. Surveys and studies have provided valuable perspectives on workers' preferences and how remote work influences their daily lives.
Elevated Well-being
As per a survey conducted by Tracking Happiness involving 12,455 participants, fully remote work boosts employee happiness by 20%. The data indicates that individuals who exclusively work on-site report an average work happiness level of 5.90 on a 1-10 scale, while remote workers score notably higher at 7.04.
The survey also reveals that each additional remote workday contributes to a 3% increase in the average employee's happiness. Interestingly, Millennials seem to derive the most happiness from telecommuting.

One of the most compelling statistics reveals that 57% of employees would contemplate seeking new employment if their current company discontinued remote work options.

This statistic underscores the high value that workers place on the flexibility and independence inherent in remote work. Productivity also plays a significant role in shaping workers' preferences for remote work.

A notable 35% of remote employees feel their productivity is enhanced when they work fully remotely.

This could be attributed to reduced commute times, fewer in-person distractions, or the ability to create a work environment that best suits their needs. Furthermore, 65% of workers express a desire to work remotely all the time, underlining the widespread appeal of this work model.

Simultaneously, 32% favor a hybrid schedule that combines the advantages of remote work's flexibility with in-office collaboration opportunities. Remote work appears to have a positive impact on work-life balance, a critical component of employee well-being.
However, it's important to note that 12% of respondents feel that remote work hinders their work-life balance, illustrating that remote work may not be a perfect fit for everyone.

Understanding these preferences is vital for organizations as they formulate their remote work policies. The objective should be to harness the advantages of remote work, including increased productivity and improved work-life balance, while addressing potential challenges to ensure a positive remote work experience for all employees.

Benefits and Challenges of Remote Work

Adopting remote work presents a range of advantages and difficulties that affect both employees and employers in diverse ways. Grasping these facets is essential for crafting effective strategies to handle remote work efficiently.

A significant 69% of remote workers

report experiencing heightened burnout linked to the use of digital communication tools.
Adopting remote work presents a range of advantages and difficulties that affect both employees and employers in diverse ways. Grasping these facets is essential for crafting effective strategies to handle remote work efficiently.

Employer saves
$11,000 per employee
then transitioning to remote work

These savings emanate from reduced expenditures associated with office space, utilities, and other resources.

Remote Work Trends

The shift towards remote work has brought several significant trends to the forefront, shaping how companies
and employees approach this work model.
Each of these trends provides valuable insights into the evolving dynamics of remote work. As we continue to adapt to this new work landscape, understanding these trends will be pivotal in shaping effective remote work policies and practices.

How working remotely feels and is perceived

The perception of remote work remains highly favorable.

An overwhelming 98% of survey respondents express the desire to continue working remotely, at least part of the time, throughout their careers, a slight increase from 97% in 2022. Additionally, 98% would recommend remote work to others, marking an uptick from 97% in the previous year. In the grand scheme, 91% of respondents report having a positive experience with remote work, with only 1% indicating a negative experience, while the remaining 8% express a neutral stance.

Flexibility continues to stand out as the foremost
advantage of remote work.

As per the feedback from respondents, 22% identify the primary benefit of remote work as the flexibility it offers in managing their time. For 19%, it's the flexibility in choosing their place of residence, and 13% appreciate the flexibility to select their work location.

On the flip side, one in three remote workers cites their most significant challenge as remaining homebound too often due to a lack of compelling reasons to venture out

Loneliness emerges as the second most commonly cited difficulty, with 23% of remote workers indicating it as an issue. These two challenges are closely interconnected, providing a comprehensive picture of the often demanding nature of remote work.

Even though 71% of respondents emphasize the significance of establishing work boundaries remote workers only achieve moderate success in this regard.

A substantial 81% of remote workers admit to checking work emails beyond their regular work hours, with 63% doing so on weekends and 34% even during their vacations.

Furthermore, 48% state that they often work outside of the traditional work hours, and 44% of remote workers claim to have worked more in the current year compared to the previous one

Ultimately, for 22%, the most significant challenge in remote work is the inability to disconnect from work.



When it comes to experiencing a sense of connection in their work, a substantial 75% of remote workers express feeling connected to their colleagues, even in cases where they operate across various time zones.

Regarding their overall well-being, half of remote workers, or 48%, report feeling more energized compared to the previous year, while 21% acknowledge experiencing burnout. In a similar vein, 58% convey a heightened sense of engagement in their job, whereas 30% indicate being disengaged

Remote workers exhibit a division in their perceptions of how working remotely influences their career growth.

Thirty-six percent find it easier to pursue career growth through remote work, marking a 14% increase from the previous year's response to the same question. Conversely, 28% state that remote work makes career growth more challenging for them, a significant decline from the 45% reported the previous year. The remaining 36% believe that remote work has no direct impact on their career growth.
Notably, one in three remote workers is actively seeking a new job, and among this group, a significant 76% express the importance of being able to perform their job remotely in their job search criteria.

The work structures of remote workers and their organizations

Remote work's adaptability allow for varied structures depending on the company or the individual.

An impressive 82% of remote workers are presently working from their homes. This percentage signifies a substantial increase compared to 2022 when only 59% of survey participants reported working from home.

This data aligns with the trends we've observed in previous years. In 2018, we found that 78% of individuals worked from home, and this number increased to 84% in 2019.

We delved deeper into the details and inquired about the specific room participants used for their remote work. Just over one-third (37%) indicated that they work in a dedicated office space, while 21% mentioned they work from their bedrooms. Another 20% stated they work from their living rooms, and 14% reported moving from room to room during their work hours. A small proportion (2%) provided alternative responses, and an additional 2% of survey respondents indicated that they do not work from home at all.

Although the most frequent response was having a dedicated office at 37%, the majority (45%) of remote workers employ a room with multiple purposes, such as the bedroom, kitchen, or living room.

A substantial portion of remote workers are fully committed to maintaining their remote work status.

We aimed to gain deeper insights into the intricacies of remote work, especially considering the shifts in work arrangements over the years, with some companies adopting a fully remote approach while others favor a hybrid model. Here's the current landscape for remote workers.

Currently, more than half of workers (64%) are exclusively engaged in full-time remote work. This represents a notable increase from 2022 when the figure stood at 49%. All other categories that describe a hybrid work arrangement have decreased compared to the previous year.

In the current year, a higher percentage of individuals, 71%, expressed a preference for a fully remote work structure, compared to the previous year when it was at 49%. This shift may be attributed to an increased familiarity with hybrid work and an enhanced appreciation of its advantages. Few individuals opted for hybrid options other than the one that primarily emphasizes remote work with no regular office attendance requirement.

Regional Look at Work Trends and EOR Adoption

What Is an Employer of Record (EOR)?

An Employer of Record (EOR) service provider enables an organization to hire employees in a country or jurisdiction where they lack an existing presence. The EOR assumes the role of the legal employer for the workers in question, taking on responsibilities such as employee onboarding, terminations, and payroll on behalf of the client.
While serving as the employer, the EOR partner handles legal, HR, tax, and local compliance requirements for these workers as if they were its own employees, allowing the client organization to maintain full control over their daily work.

A Regional Perspective on Work Trends and EOR Adoption

Despite ongoing economic challenges in 2023, experts anticipate robust growth in the global EOR market.

The Everest Group has projected that the global EOR market's value will range between USD 3.1 billion and USD 3.4 billion by 2025.

On the other hand, the IEC Group estimates that the market's worth will approach USD 10 billion in 2028. These valuations are based on revenues generated from the provision of EOR services to companies across various global regions
Nonetheless, the expansion and acceptance of EOR services exhibit marked distinctions across different regions. Below, we provide a comprehensive overview of the key labor trends that HR decision-makers should take note of in each region, along with insights into the adoption of EOR services drawn from a recent survey conducted by Atlas.

How EORs Will Shape the Future of Work

As the EOR market continues to expand, business leaders are rapidly recognizing that an Employer of Record isn't merely an extension of their HR team. Instead, EORs are playing a pivotal role in fostering a future of work that is more flexible, compliant, and globalized.

Remote Work and Cost Savings

Benefits of Remote Work for the General Public:

The widespread adoption of remote work not only reduces traffic congestion, accidents, and transportation inconveniences for road users but also has a positive impact on the environment by curbing pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Global Workplace Analytics estimated that remote work can lower emissions by 54 million tons, equivalent to removing nearly 10 million cars from the road for a year.

Additional benefits, as per the Telework Savings Calculator, include:
The reduction of highway wear and tear by more than 119 billion miles annually, resulting in significant savings for communities in highway maintenance costs.
Preventing nearly 90,000 people from traffic-related injuries or fatalities, thereby reducing accident-related expenses by over $10 billion each year.
Conserving over 640 million barrels of oil, with an estimated value exceeding $64 billion.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
About the Benefits of Remote Work

1. What are the time-saving benefits of remote work for employees?

Remote workers save an average of 72 minutes per day that would typically be spent on commuting to and from their on-site workplaces. This time can be redirected towards other activities, such as secondary jobs, leisure, or caregiving responsibilities.

2. How much time can employees save annually by working remotely part-time?

Employees who work remotely for half of their time can save the equivalent of 11.4 workdays each year. Extreme commuters may experience even more substantial time savings.

3. What financial savings can remote employees expect?

Employees working from home half the time can save between $600 and $6,000 per year. These savings primarily result from reduced expenses related to transportation, parking, and meals.

4. How do remote work benefits companies in terms of cost savings?

Companies save an average of $11,315 per year for each employee who works remotely part-time, contributing to a 21% increase in profitability. Some companies, like IBM, have saved millions in real estate costs by employing remote workers.

5. What is the financial difference in work-related expenses between part-time on-site employees and remote workers?

Part-time on-site employees spend an average of $863 per month on work-related expenses, while remote employees spend around $423 per month. This amounts to a difference of $440 per month or $5,280 per year.

6. How does remote work positively impact the environment and the general public?

Remote work reduces traffic congestion, accidents, and transportation inconveniences for road users, contributing to the prevention of traffic-related injuries and fatalities, thus reducing accident-related costs. Additionally, it conserves oil and helps lower greenhouse gas emissions, equivalent to taking millions of cars off the road for a year.

7. What are the additional benefits to the general public due to remote work?

Other benefits include reducing highway wear and tear, saving communities hundreds of millions in highway maintenance costs, and conserving over 640 million barrels of oil valued at over $64 billion.


This article presents aggregated data from recent primary research on remote work, drawing insights from leading industry studies and surveys. It offers a comprehensive overview of the remote working landscape in 2023, featuring the latest statistics from authoritative sources. The aim is to provide readers with a concise and insightful summary of key benchmarks and growth metrics in the field of remote working statistics, saving them time and effort by condensing relevant data into actionable strategic insights.
