
How To Implement a Four-Day Week

May 9, 2023

The case for a four-day working week has been a trending topic of conversation since the shift to remote work. As people realised that the corporate world was highly capable of implementing global changes to the status quo, naturally, talk of other significant changes wasn’t far behind. 

Since then, not only has the four-day week been widely discussed, but it has also been tried and tested by countless businesses, keen to restore a better work-life balance for both their leadership and their employees. 

Results from multiple experiments have found that productivity, rather than decrease, actually rises once a four-day week is implemented. In the case of some companies, by as much as 30%. Similarly, an extra day can provoke extraordinary improvements in our mental and physical health, boosting employee mental wellbeing by a whopping 87%

It’s worth noting that a four-day work week won’t work for every company or industry. But for those that are keen to give it a try, here are some key things to consider. 

Change your metrics 

The first and most important thing to note about a four-day week is that the results of its success may not be immediately obvious. A company-wide shift to a new way of working will take time to settle, and administrative tasks and procedures will also take a while to function at the level they were before. This is normal—and crucial to keep in mind when reviewing the switch. 

Similarly, the way that you calculate success will also be different. We’re so used to valuing hours worked that it can feel strange to value and keep score of productivity instead. But this is the core metric of working out whether your four-day week is proving successful. 

Keep wellbeing in mind

As leaders, it can be tempting to try and raise the productivity of your workforce in line with the absent hours, but there is a risk of overdoing it. The point of a four-day week is to reshape the working week, not to cram five days into four. Employees will struggle to accept a four-day week if they feel overworked and under pressure. Remember: this is a life-long switch to a better standard of living, for leaders and employees alike. 

Communicate openly 

It’s really important, when implementing a four-day week, to be transparent and clear about how it will change the foundation and day-to-day running of your business. With the help and input of your teams, you’ll want to decide on a specific day to have off, and make sure any customers, clients and third parties know of this change. 

Similarly, make sure you have created specific channels for any internal queries or concerns regarding the change. You’ll likely find that problems arise that you hadn’t accounted for, and the best way to tackle them is through understanding them in full, and making sure you’re listening to individuals. 

At Remotify, we’re all about making work better for everyone—from employees to leaders. Whether it’s restoring a decent work-life balance, helping you scale your business, starting your dream team or letting you work from anywhere, we can help you create a great place to work. Want to find out how? Get in touch with us today. 

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