
What Is Hybrid Work Model and How Can You Make It Work?

April 14, 2022

With companies and organizations operating in a more flexible manner, the hybrid work setup has become common. People realize the benefits of remote working, but some job functions need to be done onsite. To answer the evolving needs in the new era of work, companies have started implementing this new “Hybrid” work model. 

A hybrid work setup is a combination of working remotely and reporting onsite or in offices. This working style is becoming increasingly popular as more people take advantage of its flexibility. This article will cover what it means to implement a hybrid work model and the steps you should take when diving into this new setup.

What is Hybrid Work Model?

Work from home (WFH) is a term that most of us are familiar with. Since March 2020, most companies have shifted to working remotely, and this change has rapidly become part of everyday life. The coronavirus pandemic has forced companies to adapt to the WFH model. However, as the world opens up, a new type of work setup emerges—hybrid work.

The hybrid work model is an organizational structure that combines remote work with in-office work. In other words, rather than allowing employees to either work from home or in the office, it will enable them to choose what works best for them on any given day or week.

hybrid work

This changes the nature of the traditional office workplace. Instead of being a place where people must come together every day, it becomes more like a shared workspace for people who have matters to attend to that need face-to-face interaction. In this setup, some people might return to the office once a week or every two weeks (or however often they need it), while others might only do it occasionally. The idea is that people can choose different patterns based on their needs and preferences — and optional rather than mandatory presence fits nicely into an employees’ wellness.

The truth behind the hybrid work environment

Hybrid work environment allows employees to split their time between working onsite and remotely. This can be as simple as dividing a five-day workweek into two days in the office and three days at home, or it could vary by project or task.

The benefits of a hybrid work setup are many. It allows you to work from home, maximize your time, and is beneficial on days you need to be there. You can also take advantage of the flexibility to schedule a productive workday that suits you wherever you may be in your life. 

With a hybrid setup, you don't have to worry about leaving your company when you have kids, taking career breaks for personal time, or losing touch with your coworkers. A hybrid work setup gives companies and employees the best of both worlds. Now, working from home can enable people to maximize their time with family and their careers.

According to Business Insider, 40% of workers said that there is a high chance of quitting work if forced to go back to the office. This motivated companies to adopt a hybrid work model for their employees.

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However, we can’t deny that most companies experience difficulties transitioning from fully remote work or fully on-site into a hybrid work model. This is because of the gray area in rules and regulations for companies when it comes to adopting a hybrid work environment, with some companies not being able to figure out how to transition.  Moreover, applying this setup might be difficult if your company is part of a larger group that mandates all its member companies to have all employees work on-site.

But then, how can you make the hybrid work model work to your advantage and prevent your company from losing great and talented employees who prefer working at home?

Adopting a hybrid work model

There are two common approaches to developing a hybrid work model. The first is the 'we'll figure it out as we go' process, which is common in large companies that want to keep their options open on where and how employees can work. This can be fine for a company of 10-100 people, but if you're a company of 200 or more, it's essential to have some kind of strategic framework in place.

The second approach is the 'we'll create a policy' strategy. This could be one-size-fits-all or employee-by-employee, but it's essential to ensure that the guidelines are clear and provide enough flexibility for employees to operate effectively. It's also important not to allow individual managers to override the policies without appropriate approval.

Here are some of the things that you should consider when developing a hybrid work model:

1. Define your strategy. 

Before defining a hybrid work model, you need to determine your organization's overall approach to workplace flexibility and productivity. Going into this process with an open mind is critical because there are many ways to structure your workforce. For example, do you want everyone to be remote or allow employees to choose their base of operations?

2. Develop clear guidelines. 

Providing employees with more flexibility often means more responsibility for them (aka more autonomy). In most cases, that's a good thing since it fosters engagement and accountability. But employers must communicate expectations around issues like hours, performance, and availability.

3. Provide the proper support infrastructure. 

Employees will need the right tools to communicate and collaborate effectively in a hybrid environment. However, many companies fail at this step because they take a tactical approach instead of aligning infrastructure investments with their long-term strategy and business goals.

remote work

4. Set up effective communication protocols. 

Establishing expectations around how teams communicate is critical for any organization transitioning to a hybrid work model. Keeping in mind that not every employee wants or needs the same level of communication can be helpful here—some may prefer daily check-ins while others are fine with less frequent touchpoints

Employer of Record (EOR) is the solution.

It may be difficult for your HR team to figure out what to do or how to maneuver in a new and compliant hybrid work model. Luckily, Remotify can help you stay compliant with local labor laws and regulations to easily and conveniently shift to a hybrid work setup. Definitely, corresponding HR support will be needed to effectively and efficiently do this, not to mention managing payroll and timekeeping for employees who choose to work remotely. Remotify simplifies this for you.

What’s great about partnering with Remotify is that even if the country your employees are residing in will push 100% onsite work, you can still make the hybrid work model work while staying compliant with labor laws and regulations. If you need help to shift to a hybrid work set up effectively and conveniently, you can visit our website, email us at hello@remotify.ph, or set an appointment here

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